Monday, 31 January 2011

EPK timeline The killers.

0:00-0:06 : title screen, logo.

0:06-0:14: quick band introduction

0:14-0:30: music video set, lots of graphics, chilled band on the sofa mixture of all three

0:30-0:33:question on the screen "how did the killers come about?"

0:33-0:49:answered, close ups on the speaking members.

0:49-0:54:question on screen "where did you come up with the name the killers.

0:54-1:18:question answered, medium shots, panning, zoom, quick cut of logo almost not noticeable.

1:18-1:19:quick cut of logo.

1:19-1:23:on sofa introducing new single

1:23-2:14:shot of the filming of the video and graphics shots back to band on sofa.

2:14-2:30:work with the director on the set.

2:30-3:08:audio question asked, "influences".

3:08-3:11:"favorite track on record".

3:11-3:42:question answered.

3:42-4:22:live performance.

4:22-4:25:recording process.

4:25-5:19:question answered many different shots, panning, zoom, medium shot, close ups.

5:19-5:35:promo shots, performance, music video, music.

5:35-5:37:logo across the screen.

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